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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Only cause Gov assumed i'd randomly gamble on anything without much reason needed. And he was right.
  2. Forums look nice; but they load verrrrry slow. Consolidation of other forums was a good idea.
  3. And on a related note, also from CNN:President Barack Obama now holds a lead over potential Republican presidential rivals in a CNN/ORC International Poll released Tuesday.If the election were held today, Obama would have a 52%-45% advantage over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul. The incumbent would have a double-digit lead over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the poll suggests.A similar poll last month found Obama trailing Romney, but the margin was within the poll's sampling error, which is considered
  4. President Barack Obamas approval rating jumped 5 percentage points from November to December, fueled by dramatic gains among middle-class Americans, according to a CNN/ORC International poll released Tuesday.Obamas approval rating rose from 44% last month to 49% now, and the results suggest the debate over extending the payroll tax cuts in Congress is helping Obamas efforts to portray himself as defender of the middle class. The poll was conducted from Friday through Sunday, while the Senate was passing the measure with bipartisan support and House Speaker John Boehner was giving it a dim outl
  5. Top notch. OT used to churn this shit out on a weekly basis. :sadface:
  6. I hate this change, and the new software in general (lot of bugs). But i've also made a quick easy $300 in 2 sessions at .50-1 so, maybe I like it? The players on bodog still seem just as bad!
  7. Just got a 58391, those spring boots are the bomb cause even if you crash out it brings you back to life and gets you back up in the air (happened to me 3 times on this super long run).
  8. http://www.addictinggames.com/sports-games...pop-sw-game.jspSimple yet fun
  9. Sounds like fun :-/::throws up in his mouth::Coming here just makes me miss Stars why did I even click it!?
  10. Cool cool, I can live with that. Feel free to edit the topic post to read something more accurate now that we have more info.
  11. Depositing to bodog was actually a very simple instant process for me via my Wachovia Debit Card (Visa Logo). Unfortunately Bodog tacked on a 5% fee and my bank charged me $3-4 for "international transfer" or some crap. But hey lets just call that "the rake"
  12. Phew, thats actually pretty relieving. I was wondering about that section. But still you have to wonder if it will be the same software and same player base or if it suddenly becomes a ghost town no better than some of the random sites with 100 people on it.
  13. http://www.pokernews.com/news/2011/07/bodo...arket-10751.htm:-(
  14. Ya, 2 year olds love that shit. Driving around in race cars. Hit up Circus Circus or Excalibur for good kiddie stuff.
  15. Ohhh I didn't see flush draw, that makes it a little better. Still hurt to watch, that was a big hit to his stack.
  16. Don't remember the pre flop action but he was in a hand with 4-5; hit a pair on flop and I think had a gut shot on turn, he called big flop and turn bet and folded to a river shove. The board was something like 2-4-K-6-x I think. He was over 300K at the start and dropped down to under 150K in that hand. Really didn't expect him to be calling the big turn bet there with such a weak holding but i'm curious as to his reasoning. Maybe he saw weakness and thought he could bluff the river?
  17. The live coverage has been fun, that DN hand with 4-5 was tough to watch but glad he caught the later bluff and got some chips back. I tivo'ed it on ESPN and watched most of it last night and this morning. Easier to do with 3 hours of coverage...not sure what to do about the 9 hours of coverage haha.
  18. You have expensive gas around there
  19. Yoda

    I May Cry

    I don't remember you but I greatly appreciate the avatar!
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