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Everything posted by duvie55

  1. Hey I haven't been playing poker online for the past 6 months, mostly because of having a real job and been playing a lot of juicy live cash games when I do, but I would love to start playing online again. The only problem is, is that I have been away for so long that I have no clue how to deposit money online. I'm sure this topic has been beaten to death but I would greatly appreciate it if someone would tell me how or where to go. Sorry for asking, but thanks for the help.
  2. I think Booth will win because he plays in the biggest NL cash games so the pressure won't get to him. I want Tehan to win because he seems like a solid guy from his Cardplayer interview. He is a mixed game player that said he doesn't play much No Limit so this may hurt him in a shorthanded crapshoot.
  3. Harry Demetriou doubles upHarry Demetrious pocket king cracked pocket aces.From Pokerwire.com
  4. I know I'm probably going out there but Greg Raymer really annoys me. He always makes those stupid little smug comments and it just makes me want to throw the remote at him. Plus those glasses make me want to kick him in the face. Besides that he seems like a great guy.
  5. Ahh very true. Thanks I will tell him that and I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place. On second thought this is not a bad beat at all and now I'm pissed he got there before I did.
  6. So I go meet my buddy last night at the local casino and he is playing $2-$5 no limit when I get there. There are two $2-$5 tables running and I get seated at the other one when I get there and he is at the main table. After about a half hour or so he comes over and talks with me to see how I'm doing and then he goes to the bathroom. 2 minutes later there is a huge ruckus at his table with everyone standing up. I walk over with a few other guys and find out there is a 3 way all in. One guy has quad 10's and the other had Aces full of 10's and this qualifies as the bad beat jackpot. Of course e
  7. Hall is playing 4 $10-$20 games and is 7th out of 83 players left. This dude is a machine and is fun to watch considering he never plays tournies.
  8. The first one you def. should raise but you may not need to go all in. I know theres a heart draw but if someone has a 9 then there is no way they are going to call. The second hand I would have either pushed or raised really big because of the flush and straight draws. Good luck in the future.
  9. Ditto. It is very strange but for some reason the players are worse at the 20's and 30's. I struggled for a while with 10's but the 6 handed 13's are extremly easy if you don't want to bump up.
  10. why do this? its not cool to even joke about killing yourself. 4 people i know killed themselfs and its not a jokeTime to find new friends
  11. So any new updates? I'll be there either Monday night or Tuesday morning so PM me if you are down there. Party I called you earlier so if you need my number just PM me. Good luck everyone.David
  12. You missed the best one and that Rick's Caberat which is also on Bourbon. This is my favorite but the recently changed management and the girls aren't the best. The upstairs VIP section is awesome if you can get up there. As for the ones you listed Hustler club used to be good I think they just reopened so I'm not sure how it is now. Barely Legal is pretty good. I've never been to Bewitched and Temptations is very dirty and you can probably get whatever you want if you feel like spending a few extra dollars. As for PrtySux sorry about your hotel situation but it is pretty safe downtown but als
  13. It still looks really bad esp. where the levees broke. I think people that are down for the tounament will tell you that you can't imagine how bad it is until you come down. Where Harrahs is downtown, the damage isn't bad at all but in other parts of the city it is horrible.
  14. I'll be down there Monday and Tuesday possibly playing in one of the events. If anyone down there needs to know anything about NO (where to eat, go out, best strip clubs, etc.) either PM me or reply on the forum and I'll help you out. Good luck to everyone and hopefully I can meet some of you guys. David
  15. I'm offended and you must hate life or hate having fun if you don't like New Orleans. You are still my favorite poster but I also despise you at the same time.
  16. Longshot aka Jack of All Trades. Yea I cheated but I felt it was necessary.
  17. Michael Chikilis. Is that how you spell it?
  18. Murder at 1600. I really miss Wesley Snipes.
  19. This was the good old days when I would actually lurk here. Now I only check it to read DN's blogs but I may get into Off Topic because it reminds me of the good old days like guessing what Daniel's next announcement will be.
  20. I agree if the Jets do offer both 1st round picks and a 3rd we can't pass that up. We need help everywhere, but if we don't get a monster deal then we can't pass a talent like this up. He is more than just a good player, he is someone who could help keep the franchise in New Orleans. If we do get a great deal take it, if not PAY THE MAN HIS MONEY.
  21. I agree we do have the driver's seat. If we do trade down I hope we get Hawk and the a Off. Tackle. As mush as I wish we had Bush, our team is so bad that it is better to get as much talent as possible. The pro to taking Bush though is the unbelievable 1-2 punch of Deuce and Reggie as well as a every home game being sold out. Any Saints fan knows Benson hates paying players money, but he will sell so many season tickets that it will make up the high cost of paying Bush. As a 5th generation New Orleanian we need a boost like Bush to help the city out. Geaux Saints and Geaux Tigers.
  22. Yes we will F#$^ it up and being born and raised in New Orleans, esp after Katrina, we need this. You *******, but you are so right at the same time.
  23. Stop it I can picture Deauce and Reggie in the backfield together. Thunder and Lightning. I can see it now (Yes it would be a great move to get the 4 and 26 from the Jets and pick AJ Hawk and another tackle maybe Justice from USC but I WANT BUSH DAMNIT WE DESERVE HIM) Oh and if anyone is playing in the Circuit event at Harrahs in New Orleans send me a PM.
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