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Everything posted by Hobbes

  1. "Holy smokes! You need booze!"
  2. 7 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)6 Members: Hobbes, strategy, mrdannyg, zimmer4141, lvpro, BizzleBizzleProbably Still ImpairedMember Group: MembersJoined: April 18th, 2005 Status (Offline)What the hell is going on here?
  3. Hey Bizzle, how many more opportunities do you have to win your seat?
  4. Wait, there was a bigger and better monitor sitting at an empty cubicle and you never made the switch before?
  5. Haha. You are so good looking.
  6. Well, I've never spent any time on myspace, but looking at the comments here is truly frightening.
  7. Haha, yes, that is all in your head.
  8. Clearly that's what I was saying.
  9. The whole post was funny, but that is just pure comedic gold right there.
  10. No. I had a 3-year subscription to both Maxim and Stuff when they first started and the total cost was $40. I renewed the subscription once, but the price jumped a lot. I haven't read one in a while now; they always had some funny stuff. And hot women. She would come, but she'll also be about 7 months pregnant then.
  11. Sure, you're not going to have your angry bear face on, are you?
  12. We were actually talking about going up there sometime to watch a hockey game. My aunt and uncle just bought a condo in Seattle, so we were going to stay there one night, then make the trip up the next day. Of course, hockey season doesn't start until October and there is clearly nothing else to do in Canada, right?
  13. Jennifer - MAlicia - FLiv - K
  14. I'll tell her you said that; she'll be flattered. I have no idea where you live, Mr. Mysterio.
  15. Now that is funny.hey wats up..i as u can c i added u n wen u can send me a meassege..byeHoly hell.
  16. I just took the 20's out of my wallet and crumpled them all up just for you.
  17. Yeah, clearly Alicia Silverstone over Liv Tyler.The ending of The Crush when she gets punched and flies across the room is one of the funniest unintentionally funny moments in all movies.
  18. Is Rico real or is that something you did to get the ball rolling? And I think you overdid it a little with all the misspellings.
  19. We almost forgot one of the thread rules. Thanks Sam.
  20. You are so good looking. Did you suggest that before? Because I know I spent some time on google looking for just such an image a couple of days ago.
  21. I am instantly convinced that you do. Jennifer Connelly is hot. Amazingly accurate.
  22. Did you like The Big Kahuna? That's one of those movies that I can't stop watching if I find it on TV. Which is almost never, but you get what I mean.
  23. Is it movie quote day?"You thought. Do me a fucking favor. Shut up, listen, and learn. Look, I know that this is your first day and you don't really know how things work around here, so I will tell you. You have no brain. No judgment calls are necessary. What you think means nothing. What you feel means nothing. You are here for me. You are here to protect my interests and to serve my needs. So, while it may look like a little thing to you, when I ask for a packet of Sweet-N-Low, that's what I want. And it's your responsibility to see that I get what I want."
  24. In the state of Washington, playing online poker is a felony and carries the same penalty as possession of child pornography.
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