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About WayneBullet

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Location
    Sioux Falls, SD
  1. I tell you why I wouldn't hug a little kid on the street. I would fear it is a sting set up by To Catch a Predator.Another reason, yeah I am not into hugs. I don't even like to hug friends or relatives. I remember DN writing about how he prefers the fist bump to the hand shake during the WSOP. I would much rather do that too. If every person who came up to me would rather shake my hand or hug, that would suck. How do famous people not get sick. Every person coming up wanting to spread germs.
  2. I am also a no vote on the dumping the blog. I really enjoy reading the blog. I search for new blogs everyday. This blog is one of the things right with the internet. Honestly, I don't play anywhere near the limits Daniel plays at. I do use the blog as a comparison to how I live my poker life and real life. I don't think I would understand my own swings emotionally and financially without knowing guys like Daniel go through them also. I read this blog and Shannon Shorr's blog. I look forward to them whenever I can read them.I have learned so much through the blog. I hope this was just
  3. I thought you Daniel would look dumb with his head shave. I actually like it. I started shaving my head last year. I was 29 and I had to do it out of necisity. I think Daniel should keep doing it. He could change the look for white guys. When Jordan started shaving his the brothers started doing it too. So, Daniel could do it to make it cool for white guys. For once I would have a hair style in vogue.Keep it up Daniel.
  4. Maybe it is because SD doesn't have any mountains. Just cowboys. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Great Seinfeld episode.
  5. The cowboy you talked about Adam Jones, is he from South Dakota? I saw him on Cardplayer one of the 1st days of the tournament, I looked up his profile and said he was from SD. Being from SD we are a close knit group. Is he pro or did he win online?
  6. I read Jenna Jameson's autobiography last year. She was a dancer in Vegas through the late 80's early 90's. She talks about how and Executive of a casino in Vegas used to pay her $1000 a song to brush her hair. I bet it was Stupak. He either was an owner of the Stratosphere or an executive. I can see that guy doing that kind of stuff. She also said the guy would never let him dance for her.
  7. My take on the TV Blog. Who hasn't been that mad when it seems like everything is against you? Nothing makes a person more mad then when you pay somebody to do something and they do it all wrong.Some advice on the Xbox, I keep extra RCA plugs around. Mainly because all my cords behind my tv get tangled up. That way if I want to move my Xbox, I just unplug the cords and get the free one to plug into the other TV.Take on Survivor: Where do they find any of these freaks? I love the show, but really this season is really strange. It seems like they went out of their way to find 2 ends of th
  8. When I was in college, I had a room right next to really dumb football players. Every single night one of the doorknobs would try to finish a gallon of milk in an hour. Sometimes 2 would try. They would throw in $5, the 1st one to do it was going to win that pot. Every single night one or two of them would throw up. You would have thought maybe after 1st semester they would quit. Nope, every single night for my freshman year.
  9. My Name is Earl, The Office, Real World/ Road Rules: The Gauntlet, Dallas Swat, American Casino.These are my shows. Plus the many hours of watching poker and sports. I love My Name is Earl.
  10. I am not sure if this is racism or not. Like Daniel, I do not teach color or racism. I have a 3 year old son. I live in South Dakota. There is not a lot of diversity here. I think Minorities make up 7%, that is including Native Americans.Anyway, my wife is into R & B music. When my son was 2 years old, Usher was big with the "Yeah, Yeah" song. My son saw the video several times. At that point he made the assumption all African Americans were Usher. We would be watching baseball and he would say Usher when he saw the batter and such.I was pretty embarassed one day though. We were
  11. What do we do if somebody sneezes now? Don't say bless your or gesundheit. Just say, "Hey nice sneeze."Anyway, I kind of thought PC was going by the way side. I mean you hear things here and there from small little tid bits in the paper. I remember when I was in high school prayer was a big thing. Prayer at graduation was the main thing. Why you would need to pray at graduation is beyond me. I mean I didn't really care one way or the other if we did pray, but why. I guess why not. I haven't heard about prayer in school for a long time. I know here in South Dakota there are quite a fe
  12. Not so much PC, but a rule by minority rather than majority. To be honest I am not very religious, but I don't mind them instilling the morals into my kids. My son is 3 and he is in daycare, I was surprised they had a regular christmas progam. I am happy that they did. I want my kid to know songs about christmas, I want him to know what Christmas is about.Even if you aren't religious the idea behind Christmas is important. It is the idea of giving. So, no matter what religion or non religion, being a giving person is important. Helping others is very important.We need to start making th
  13. I think a lot of people read the discussions and are not really sure how Daniel comes off to others. This takes me back to the blog where he bought in for a large amount of money at a NL table where most everybody else had a fraction of his buy in. He was talking about how everybody was having a blast, but everybody in the forum misunderstood and thought he was being a jerk.Daniel comes off more comical than a disgruntled customer.
  14. Just like athletes and actors, this all these people can own is their likeness. You would also have to recgonize that the WPT has benefited from people like DN. By him being a chracter and a ambassador to the public. They benefit from eachother.The WPT should have to have permission to use their likeness. I definately see a conflict of interest of the WPT having an on-line site. That would be like the NBA having a shoe company. Then because Micheal Jordan is a player in the NBA, using his face to sell the NBA's shoes, even though he is signed to Nike.I don't think DN's ego is getting in
  15. In the US, if you have big money, you can get anything done. I guess I have never had a huge problem with cashing a check at a bank before. Granted I have never had to cash large amounts either. I do know that most banks do not let you access the money as soon as you cash it.Most rules that banks have are to protect customers. I have had my checkbook stolen and I am glad they had a lot of red tape. That could have been ugly.
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